British & Irish Hypertension Society Annual Scientific Meeting

Client: British & Irish Hypertension Society

Type of event: Residential Conference

Group size: 235

Venues: Robinson College and King's College

Dates: 24th-26th September 2018

Robinson College AuditoriumRobinson College ExhibitionKing's College Dining HallBritish & Irish Hypertension Society Annual Scientific Meeting


The British & Irish Hypertension Society (BIHS) holds a Scientific Meeting each year in different locations across the UK and Ireland. In 2018, it returned to Cambridge where it had held the event several times in the past.

Organising the meeting was In Conference, an established Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) which has been providing conference and event management services for academic and medical associations, government and public sector bodies for the last 28 years through its teams in Edinburgh and Glasgow. For BIHS, In Conference provided a comprehensive service, starting with finding a venue, through to registration and pre-event organisation and support throughout the two and a half day meeting.


Leonie Postma from In Conference said: “We worked closely with the BIHS Executive Committee in deciding on the location for the 2018 Meeting. We needed somewhere that was central in the UK with good transport links for delegates, with venues able to accommodate our activities and numbers. The Society had been to Cambridge in the past and had a great experience and so it was a combination of these factors that led to choosing it again. In terms of venues, we selected Robinson College for our scientific sessions as it has an auditorium ideal for the 235 attending and then King’s College for the Conference Dinner to give delegates a taste of the ‘Cambridge Experience’.


“Over the two and a half days, we were able to use the Dining Hall at Robinson College for our poster exhibition and trade stands, with registration on the upper level of the Foyer. This year we had a bumper number of posters, a total of 56 which the Dining Hall was able to accommodate, together with the 10 trade stands.

Although we didn’t have an official social programme, we did obtain a special delegate discount for those who wanted to go punting and a few stayed on after the Meeting finished on the Wednesday lunchtime to take advantage of this.


“Meet Cambridge played a key role in the success of the event, helping us with venue finding at a very early stage. We had worked with them previously and were impressed that they listen carefully to the brief and then came back with recommendations. As on other occasions we found the service excellent and it saved us a great deal of time.

“We received some excellent feedback from delegates who enjoyed returning to Cambridge and attendance was certainly on a par with previous years. All in all it was a very successful event.”

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