Here at Meet Cambridge, we have a team of experts on hand to help you find your perfect venue and when you need to call on suppliers to assist with your event, we’re pleased to say that we also have an extensive network of specialists that we can introduce you to…

We are often approached by organisers who need assistance with managing a multi-lingual event during the live event or for the social programme.

We met up with event supplier, Luciana Scrofani Green, from One Stop Language Solutions Ltd., to find out more about her skills in translation and interpretation and to get some tips for working with an interpreter.

Luciana, from One Stop Language Solutions Ltd

How long have you been an interpreter?

I’ve been helping Italian and British businesses communicate for over 20 years.

Working with government bodies and international organisations, from interpreting at G8, NATO and UN meetings, through to highly specialised and sensitive work with Interpol and Europol; from coordinating the translation of multilingual projects, to arranging teams of interpreters and organising international events.

I’m Italian by birth and I have been a UK resident for the best part of a decade, so the language and culture are second nature to me, but I also bring my knowledge of global business practices to the table, which means I can help to drive my clients' success with foreign partners, whether to build their brand or increase their influence.


Can you suggest some ways to offer translation and interpreting services as part of an event if your budget is tight?

Remote interpreting and tour guide interpreting are great options for clients who understand the importance of multilingual events, but don’t necessarily have the budget, or infrastructure to support them.  Remote interpreting uses software to provide a comparable service to in-person interpreting, but without the need for having a team onsite.   Tour guide interpreting is a great choice for smaller meetings or site visits - it also has the benefit of being a really personal experience.  This method can be used in a variety of settings e.g. training sessions, factory visits, talks involving a limited number of people and any type of event where delegates are on the move, which allows great flexibility.  One point to bear in mind though  is that noise levels need to be kept to a minimum to ensure interpreters can hear and interpret the speakers.  Participants in the session or meeting will listen to the translation in their preferred language by using a portable headset.

What information should organisers include in a brief for an interpreter?

Providing the interpreter with as much information about the company and event as possible are crucial. The more material an interpreter has within the brief, the better prepared they can be on the day.  The list below is a good guide to what to include in a brief:

  • Event dates
  • Location/size of the room
  • Start and finish times
  • Purpose of each day of the event
  • Languages required
  • Event types
  • Number of attendees/ background etc
  • Materials/preparatory reports/speeches
  • Event/ company websites
  • Interpreting equipment
  • Dress codes/special requirements
  • Key contact/team leader/on-site coordinator


Do you have any tips for event organisers once they have found an interpreter to work with?

My top two tips are:

  • Provide the interpreter with material such as presentations, past meeting minutes and agendas as far in advance as possible.
  • If you can, allocate a day for rehearsals for the presenters and the interpreting team. Everyone will feel more relaxed!


How can using an interpreter/translator enhance an event?

Apart from making your international attendees feel welcome and considered, an interpreter can also be a reassuring presence for your presenters and participants. They are there to facilitate the flow of information - something everyone will benefit from!

What are the benefits of outsourcing an interpreter/translator?

By outsourcing interpreting requirements, organisers will be assured that their speakers’ messages will be communicated clearly, without bias or influence (something that’s hard to guarantee if a company relies on in-house language capabilities), by a specialist who is trained to work to an exceedingly high standard under pressure.

Have you got a favourite or unusual event that you worked on?

With over 20 years’ experience I have a lot of events to choose from! Career highlights for me have been interpreting for his Holiness Pope Francis, Nobel Prize Laureate Betty Williams and Hollywood stars such as Robert de Niro and Julia Roberts.

Having said that, some of the most rewarding assignments have been the 1:1 meetings that I’ve interpreted, where business-changing deals have been brokered. It’s always thrilling to be part of that!


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