Calculators, Tools & Checklists

Planning to make your event more sustainable is one thing but measuring the outcomes of your activities is quite another and there are a whole host of resources to help you with that.

From carbon footprint calculators to resources for how to align your event with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, we’ve got you covered – check back often for updates!


Your Guide to Planning a Sustainable Event by VisitBritain Business Events

Event Sustainability Guidance Checklist by VisitBritain Business Events

Cambridge Sustainable Food - directory

Carbon Footprint - calculators and other tools

Event Cycle – recycle supplies from your event to help someone else

TUCO Green House Gas Footprint Calculator – calculate the footprint of your event menus

Carbon Offset Guide - what makes a high-quality carbon offset

Net Zero Carbon Events - an industry initiative to address climate changes

TRACE - Carbon measurement platform for sustainable events


Sustainable Events Toolkit